The meniscus is prone to injury especially during twisting and turning sports. As we get older the substance of the meniscus becomes less resilient and is prone to tearing and meniscal injuries represent one of the most common sporting injuries to the knee.
There are different types of meniscal tears and multiple classifications and descriptions of meniscal tears. These can range from vertical, horizontal, bucket handle, parrot beak, complex and a whole host of other varieties. Meniscal tears can form part of other more major injuries such as an ACL rupture.
An isolated meniscal tear usually presents with a painful swelling in the knee after the match or competition may be over and presents with a swelling over the next few days. There is pain in the knee as well as symptoms such as locking of the knee and a feeling of giving way or instability.
Treatments for Meniscal Injury include conservative therapy (physiotherapy) or surgery (meniscal repair or meniscal resection)